Speech therapy takes commitment beyond just the evaluation. It isn't a one-time, quick fix. Attendance and consistency in treatment is important to maximize progress and ensure successful outcomes. It requires a commitment of time, energy and effort, both on the part of the individual and their family. With dedication to the process, speech therapy can provide meaningful progress in communication skills and help build a more successful future.

Speech Therapy: A Commitment to the Entire Journey

Speech Therapy: A Commitment to the Entire Journey

-Speech Therapy is a commitment, but it’s worth it in the end

Speech therapy takes commitment beyond just the evaluation. It isn’t a one-time, quick fix. Attendance and consistency in treatment is important to maximize progress and ensure successful outcomes. It requires a commitment of time, energy and effort, both on the part of the individual and their family. With dedication to the process, speech therapy can provide meaningful progress in communication skills and help build a more successful future.

The majority of speech therapists will discharge clients who do not attend regularly, as they are dedicated to progress in a client’s speech therapy goals. If you are not consistent with attending sessions, you will not see progress. If a client cannot attend their sessions regularly, the therapist will have to give that spot in their schedule to another client who can. Your speech therapy journey begins when you are ready to commit to regular attendance.

-Speech Therapy: Be Your Child’s #1 fan

Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt lost, frustrated, or even hopeless. As a parent, it is hard to watch our children struggle and not be able to do anything to fix it. We would move mountains for them if we could. When our kids are diagnosed with a speech disorder, it can feel like the rug has been pulled out from under us. But here’s the thing: we are not helpless. In fact, we are our child’s number one fan and advocate. We can make all the difference in their treatment and ultimately their success.

Here is what we can do: first, educate ourselves about our child’s disorder/delay and treatment options. This will help us to make informed decisions about their care. Second, be an active participant in their therapy. This means bringing them to appointments, praising their progress in their speech goals, and doing the at-home practice prescribed by the therapist.

Finally, believe in your child’s ability to overcome their challenges. This may be the most important thing of all. When we give them our unconditional love and support, they will shine. So let’s be their biggest fans and watch them soar!

-Showing up to speech therapy appointments is key

No matter how busy life gets, it is important to keep up with speech therapy appointments. Consistent attendance will produce the best results and help improve communication skills more quickly.  Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes unexpected things come up that make it difficult to make it to an appointment. When this happens, it is important to call and reschedule rather than simply not showing up. Consistent attendance will not only help create better communication skills but also build trust between patient and therapist. This trust is essential for a successful therapeutic relationship. So, even when life gets busy, make communication a  priority and let the office know in advance if you need to cancel or reschedule.

-Speech therapy is a fun commitment that is rewarding

Speech therapy is a fun commitment that is rewarding. It requires a lot of dedication and hard work, but it is so worth it when you see the progress your child makes. Seeing your child overcome their challenges and reach their milestones is one of the most gratifying experiences you will ever have. It is a true joy to watch your child grow and thrive.

-Stick with it and You Will See Results

Speech therapy is not an overnight fix, but if you stick with it, you will see results. It is important to be patient and consistent with your child’s therapy. Remember that every child is different and will progress at his or her own pace. With time and effort, your child will be able to improve his or her communication skills. So don’t give up – keep up the good work and you will see results!

Key Take Away

Speech therapy is a big commitment, but it’s worth it in the end. Showing up to your appointments is key – and there are ways you can make the most of your time spent at speech therapy. It can be frustrating, but also very rewarding.


When you are ready to make the commitment to the whole speech therapy journey, the first step is making your appointment for a free screening.

Speech Therapy: A Commitment to the Entire Journey

Speech therapy takes commitment beyond just the evaluation. It isn’t a one-time, quick fix. Attendance and consistency in treatment is important to maximize progress and ensure successful outcomes. It requires a commitment of time, energy and effort, both on the part of the individual and their family. With dedication to the process, speech therapy can provide meaningful progress in communication skills and help build a more successful future.

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