Free Screenings
Our free screenings are an excellent way to get to know us and understand how we can help your child develop their language skills. You’ll have the chance to ask questions about what you can expect for them in terms of language growth. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to learn more about our programs without having to commit financially! The screening will take about 30 minutes, and you’ll also get a brief consultation as part of the session. Don’t miss out – book your free screening today!
The Speech-Language Pathologist completes a comprehensive screening of your child’s speech and language abilities. The speech-language screening includes tests to measure production, comprehension and use of language, including vocabulary, grammar and articulation. It also looks at phonology, fluency and voice quality. If a child passes the screening, there is likely not a need for further action; however if he or she does not pass the screening it indicates that they would benefit from further evaluation through an in-depth assessment with a Speech-Language Therapist to determine their specific difficulties.
Don’t miss out – book your free screening today!